


My name is Nicole Fomékong and, as my name suggests, I am not of Asian descent 😊
I’ve long enjoyed blurring the lines when people ask me “where I’m from.
Today, I answer: from France.
Quite simple.

Nicole Fomekong

I studied economics and management at the Panthéon Sorbonne, before taking a detour into the world of images (BTS audiovisual, fascinating) and photography (equally fascinating). A few years later, in order to broaden my professional horizons and be able to work anywhere, preferably in any structure, I decided to enter the world of corporate documentation (SharePoint platforms and similar systems). In 2007, with these new skills in hand, I took the plunge and migrated to the cold lands of French Canada.

In 2010, the year of the first publication of the international standard ISO 26000, the bible of sustainable development as applied to business, I seized the opportunity of a discipline that fascinated me. I trained in this standard and was lucky enough to be hired by Rio Tinto Alcan, an international mining company, in its CSR department.
Then a great opportunity for a professional expatriation offered by the Australian office in Brisbane, heading for Guinea Conakry, a real elsewhere, totally unknown. Fascinating and formative. I learned the rigors of strict discipline, Anglo-Saxon reporting procedures, the requirements of World Bank audits, and the flexibility and adaptability needed to work in the field with people from a different culture.
On my return to France, after qualifying as an internal auditor with SGS, I worked in a variety of companies as a manager, external consultant, trainer, consulting director and finally director:

Map monde
  • Paris
  • Montreal
  • Regina
  • Ottawa
  • Brisbane
  • Perth
  • Conakry
  • London
  • New York
  • Shanghai
  • Hong Kong
  • Seoul
  • Tokyo
  • Osaka

Today, I work with internal partners and external experts to set up a management system that’s relevant to each company and that meets the requirements of social responsibility and current regulations.

Download my CV